Guys i am sick of mtnl's so called "Customer Care" .m writing this post in shear frustation .
I have trib500 combo plan and m supposed to get 2mbps speed but that's just on paper . A while ago i used to get it though .But then (a yr back or so) one day i saw broadband speed plummeted below 20KBps.may be sm server error or so.I ignored and waited .But that 'server error' Never got corrected . i cant actually guess the reason for that sudden schange in speed , but i think it may be due to mtnl's upgrading my download limit from 500 mb to 2.5gb(a free gift with *Condition Apply??) ,or my choosing for IPTV connection too.
I have called up mtnl 'cutomer care' ,countless number of times.Let me give u the 'Customer Care' Scenario. Mostly that 1504(customer care number) busy , and if itz not then u hv to wait for a long..........queue to end . and at last wen they pick up the phone u r left to deal with underpaid, computer illitrate people(sm times i had to tell them the details of mtnl broadband!!!). Well sm how i registered the complaint and waited for days .Next time i call , i gv them my cmplaint number just to get sm absurd sounding answer (sm thing like cmplnt pending,server error ) . Guys itz just the fact that the sleepy speed department has wrongly downgraded my speed .
So after my repeated complaints fell on deaf yrs ,i searched net 4 soln. Mtnl runs online complaint portal too!!!! .Itz at so i tried der as well but with no hopes . Well Must say if u complaint online , u get timely response , well within 24hrs(but that does not mean thats useful) . I complained for speed problem. Next day i got a call from mtnl,asking if my net is wrking. Well yes ofcourse ,didnt u read my mail ! .But the same old reply-SERVER ERROR .
To add to injury evry now and then i meet sm one who says he's gettin 2mbps speed,that too on UNLIMITED PLAN(tell u , unlimited plan has 256kbps speed), and downloading 4-5 gb a day!!!( der r many like dem ) .Such a waste of bandwidth on mtnl's part .A pure mismanagement .
In last i would like to remind that accordin to TRAI regulation broadband means -"Atleast 256Kbps bandwidth" M gettin less than that .It can hardly be called broadband .
wat should i do to solve the situation ?wat do u say ? put an RTI for it (On Girisih's path ) ...
or may be Consumer Forum(ya i mean it) .Look my bandwidth should be 2Mbps ,as promised , But they have set it too 256Kbps
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