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PerFect Engineer

Studying at the last moment for midsems this time ,thanx to the placement season , reminded me of an interesting incident told by my friend. There was a presentaion in his college by some successful(!!!) Software Engineer(forgot his name ),an Ex-IITian . He started his speech asking about the definition of an engineer,and how should we be as a prospective engineer in college. Breaking the silence of the PPT hall, A student stood up(very Kapil like) . According to him being a student,we should be obedient , attend all the classes. Study all the subjects with due sincerity before hand and bla..bla..bla.. .Well every thing u can associate with a student like Kapil.After he was done , Engineer said "These are exactly waht u should never do :-P".Every one broke to laughter. Studying at the last moment , handling the pressure of doing assignments(usually just before exams :P) , multitasking actually transforms us into students to engineers . Engineering colleges,apart from studies , also train us to perform for adventitious events.He continued telling his stories of IIT and what all an engineer(esp. computer engineer) has to face in life .There was much more , but the crux of his speech was how we should prepare ourselves ,to excel where u r not prepared.You can do well if you are prepared well for a task . But Life is an Extempore .

Well if we believe in him , DCEites will certainly be the best Engineers .This is what we actually learn in our four years of college ;-) .


  1. Interesting. We can atleast take solace from the fact that we will have recieved excellent training in one field :P

  2. :-) At last you found something in DCE to be proud about


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